In Tier-2 locations of India, Better & Boon’s (daily2home) plans to expand to sell by aggregating farmer produces. Very innovative technology backed retail concept that has demonstrated the Proof-of-concept at Agra, UP. End to end fruits and vegetables supply chain company which allows customers to get fresh produce from the farmer at their doorstep.
Mr Atul Chauhan
There is a certain joy to be experienced while working with fresh produce in the kitchen. It holds many health benefits and tastes pretty great. But we city dwellers do not get access to fresh fruit and vegetables all that often and we are forced to resort to whatever we have at our disposal.
We provide solution for both B2C & B2B
For B2C: We provide customers the choice to decide what they want to buy, by providing complete food traceability from farm to fork. Hassle-free buying through home delivery and enhanced buying experience through retail stores. Pre-washed & Ozonized products for the health conscious customers.
Sector: Mr Atul Chauhan
Incorporated: April 2017